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Why do we want to remove statues and monuments? To understand it Walter Williams suggests that we need a review of the promises black and white liberals have been making for decades. What should we focus on? What will make a difference.

  • In 1940, the black poverty rate was 87 percent. By 1960, it had fallen to 47 percent. During that interval, blacks were politically impotent. There were no anti-poverty programs or affirmative action programs. Nonetheless, this poverty reduction exceeded that in any other 20-year interval. But the black leadership argued that more was necessary.
  • They said that broad advancement could not be made unless blacks gained political power. Fifty years ago, there were fewer than 1,000 black elected officials nationwide. According to the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, by 2011 there were roughly 10,500 black elected officials, not to mention a black president.
  • In 1940, 86 percent of black children were born inside marriage, and the black illegitimacy rate was about 15 percent. Today, only 35 percent of black children are born inside marriage, and the illegitimacy rate hovers around 75 percent.

Source: Liberals in a Tizzy, by Walter E.Williams | Creators Syndicate