

There are a lot of people railing against “evangelicals” all the time. I am sure I know evangelicals. I do not know anyone who defines themselves as one though. I have not seen the 1st Evangelical Church of Dallas. I usually come away wondering who they are they are talking about. I found this article by Aaron Earls intriguing. Aaron is senior writer/editor of LifewayResearch.com.

Have you ever read a news article or looked at research about evangelicals and thought, “That doesn’t seem like me or the evangelicals I know”? You may be right because you may be defining “evangelical” differently than the article.

Our personal experience and anecdotal evidence shouldn’t automatically outweigh solid statistical research, but it can provide a window into some of the confusion surrounding evangelicals.

As you see a news story on evangelicals, the first question you should ask is: “What do they mean by ‘evangelical’?” If they are using research, there are three basic methods researchers use to classify someone as an evangelical. Together, these methods paint a complex picture of the state of evangelicalism in the U.S.

While this can seem like a purely academic discussion, the methodology and insights can help you better understand the community you are trying to reach, while also more accurately evaluating those already in your congregation.

Read more here —>  Who Are ‘Evangelicals’ and Why Knowing That Matters for Your Church