

The Department of Health and Human Services has made a very public stand for unborn Americans.

In a break from previous administrations, including when George W. Bush was in office, the HHS has indicated that life begins at conception in their new strategic plan, which will cover fiscal years 2018-2022.

As the American Center for Law and Justice explains, stating this in official public policy is huge for the pro-life cause, emphasis mine.

Starting in 2010, HHS has been required to release a strategic plan every four years. This time their plan, for the first time ever, has explicitly recognized that life begins at conception. This is a major victory for the rights and dignity of the unborn.

The HHS plan goes well beyond lip service. It incorporates this scientific principle as an integral and holistic part of its healthcare mission here at home and around the globe. Specifically, the fact that life begins at conception is included in four key components of the plan.

HHS includes protecting life “beginning at conception” as a core part of its overall mission:

HHS accomplishes its mission through programs and initiatives that cover a wide spectrum of activities, serving and protecting Americans at every stage of life, beginning at conception.

HHS recognizes that respecting the “inherent dignity” of the unborn is a vital part of “global health security”:

Enhance international preparedness through medical countermeasures and community mitigation measures, respecting the inherent dignity of persons from conception to natural death.

HHS dedicates itself to protecting the right to life for all, especially those most at risk of social or economic challenges:

A core component of the HHS mission is our dedication to serve all Americans from conception to natural death, but especially those individuals and populations facing or at high risk for economic and social well-begin challenges, through effective human services.

HHS restores pro-life ethics to medical and scientific research:

The research pursued under this strategic goal is to be conducted consistent with the understanding that human subjects protection applies to all human beings from conception to natural death.

God loves babies