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This is a well thought out article by Michael Brown: The Saddest Part of the Stormy Daniels Story | The Stream  Pornography has become a huge problem.

“Porn star Stormy Daniels may be having the time of her life. She may be enjoying her newfound fame, at the expense of President Trump. She may be making boatloads of money with her “Make America Horny Again” tour and other endeavors. But at the end of the day, this is a sad story. Stormy Daniels (real name Stephanie Clifford) is somebody’s daughter or granddaughter. Who wants their child to be a porn star?

“But before you read another word of this story, I want to make myself perfectly clear. I am not condemning Stephanie Clifford. And I am certainly not sitting on my moral high horse saying, “What a wretched person she is to make her money like this.”

“Every one of us is fallen and broken and blemished in God’s sight, and every one of us needs healing for our wounds and repentance for our rebellion. That’s why Jesus came into the world: to save sinners. And that means you and me.

“So, I write with a heavy heart, not a self-righteous heart. And I write not just about Stephanie Clifford, but about the thousands of others like her, women (and men) whose names we do not know. Every day they denigrate themselves for financial gain (or for notoriety). No amount of money or fame is worth this.”

Read more here: The Saddest Part of the Stormy Daniels Story | The Stream