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It is outrageous that this what we have come to in our cultural disrespect for life. Please pray for a worldwide awakening.

During a time when people are urged to wear masks and wash incessantly in an attempt to keep from getting sick, a Baton Rouge, Louisiana, abortion facility has committed a very real – and appallingly disgusting – public health violation without response from state authorities.

According to pro-life activist Richard Mahoney, after the Delta Clinic of Baton Rouge finished conducting a full day of abortions, on August 13, 2020, a construction crew moved in to begin tearing out walls, carpeting, and other items in preparation for a remodel.

One of the items removed from the facility was a waste container filled with bloody refuse from abortions that had obviously taken place earlier that day.

Photos provided to Operation Rescue by Mahoney show an open cardboard box lined with a red biohazard bag that was partially filled with soiled blue pads, used masks, and bloody tubing with what appeared to be a cannula used in surgical abortions still attached.

The open box was placed in a trash-strewn area outside the back door of the facility where the biohazard material was fully accessible to people and animals.

Read More Here: Abortion Clinic Caught Dumping Container of Bloody Refuse From Aborted Babies