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Here is some great insight from Jews for JesusI love those who witness to our Jewish brothers. What a blessing they are.

One of our missionaries who connects with Haredi* as well as formerly Haredi guys, reports, “A man raised in the Haredi community came to our website and told a volunteer on LiveChat that he had prayed to receive Jesus and wanted to be baptized. His name and contact information were passed on to me. I called John and we had a great conversation.

“John grew up in the Haredi community, but no longer believes in Orthodox Judaism. He described himself as ‘off the derekh,’ a term for ultra-Orthodox Jews who have left the community.

“John met a Christian woman who explained the gospel to him and led him in a prayer of repentance. He then searched online for Jewish people and baptism, and found our website.

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Jews, Jesus, and the Internet – Jews for Jesus