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This is staggering. We must stop this. Please pray we will choose life over death.

While 250,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus and 1,358,413 have died worldwide, those tragic numbers pale in comparison to the number of babies killed in abortions.

The number of unborn babies who died in the U.S. and internationally from abortions far surpasses both.Based on Worldometer abortion statistics, there were an average of around 3.5 million abortions per month in the world so far in 2020. That means that approximately 37,709,161 unborn babies were aborted this year. At a clip of 125,000 abortions on babies every day, that means the same number of babies have been killed in abortions in just 11 days as the number of people worldwide who have died in total from the coronavirus.

No death is better or worse than another and every human being has the exact same right to life, but the comparison is staggering.

Source: Abortion is the Leading Cause of Death During the Coronavirus, Killing 37 Million Worldwide | LifeNews.com