

Here is an interesting take on mask mandates to consider. I have mixed feelings over this issue. I do wear them where required to but do find them to be isolating and dehumanizing.

Those of us who are unsettled by mask mandates often cite the loss of freedoms as the reason behind our concerns, but that doesn’t even begin to tell the whole story. Mask mandates are not just dehumanizing in the context of today’s society, preventing us from reading the faces of others. There is yet another level of dehumanization. Getting “used to” masks suggests something more spiritually sinister: a Borg-like facelessness that isolates and atomizes every one of us.

There are, of course, several obvious reasons to object to mask mandates. First, those who push for them have made it very easy to be skeptical of their claims that any old mask is essential for public safety. A mask alone in the car? On the beach in the sun and salt air? On the walk into a restaurant but not after you’re seated?

Many blue-state governors and mayors such as Nashville’s John Cooper, whom businesses have accused of covering up declining COVID-19 case numbers to keep the lockdowns going, can’t hide the fact that they are social engineers at heart. For them, the Wuhan virus is an irresistible mechanism for social control.

Read more here: Masks Are Another Way To Control Society Through Isolation