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We all know this is a challenge. We must protect our daughters. It is vital. Family is huge in God’s kingdom. Check out this article from Jim Daly. Jim is a husband, father and President of Focus on the Family and host of its National Radio Hall of Fame broadcast. His blog, Daly Focus, is full of timely commentary and wisdom designed to help you navigate and understand today’s culture. His latest book is Marriage Done Right.

Our culture is so toxic for young girls that an increasing number are suffering from a growing list of troubles – from low self-esteem and anxiety to depression and eating disorders. What’s the answer?

It isn’t so much a “what” as it is a “who.” Mothers are instrumental in helping their daughters navigate a world that is often against them. One of Mom’s key roles is being a good listener. Teen girls usually seek out Mom for advice and feel most comfortable sharing their heart with her.

Be available to her as much as possible. A teenager’s emotions can be unpredictable. Your daughter may not always want to talk when it’s most convenient for you. She may open up in the morning or later at night. Take advantage of her willingness to talk whenever she’s in the mood. Make eye contact and listen.

Equally as important is allowing your daughter to say what’s on her mind without interruption. Don’t finish her sentences or talk her out of her feelings. Before you offer advice, be sure to listen first. In most cases, she needs to be heard more than she needs guidance.

What else can Mom do?

Read more here —> Navigating a Toxic Culture with Your Daughter