

Advocating for self-mutilation is horrible. It is not the Way of Jesus. That should be clear.

In 251 A.D., a young woman resisted the sexual advances of Quintian, a Roman proconsul.  Her resistance cost her a sentence in a local brothel and, eventually, her life.  Before she died, she was subjected to tortures that included having her breasts torn off by pinchers.  To the end, she refused to give in to the sexual predator who sought to force her to repudiate her Christian faith.

St. Agatha’s endurance despite the tortures inflicted on her, including being deprived of one of the chief markers of her femininity, earned her a spot among the numerous Catholic saints who refused to renounce their identity in Christ.  She believed that her body was the temple of the Holy Spirit.  It was not to be violated by rape and by torture that sought to deprive her of her bodily integrity.  She is considered an example to follow.

The tortures visited upon St. Agatha have been visited on women for centuries.  Until the 19th century, a “breast ripper,” also known as the “Iron Spider,” was used to punish women guilty of sexual transgressions.  Removing breasts was a way of destroying a woman’s sexuality — indeed, her womanhood.

Even today, rituals such as breast ironing and female genital mutilation are a means of eliminating women’s identity in order that they become less sexually tempting.  Ironically, it is mostly women who inflict such tortures on other women.

In view of the above, it is with great astonishment and anger that both secular and religious women see self-torture as spiritual progress by a branch of the Lutheran church.  It is with shock that we see sexual mutilation held up as a positive advance for women — so much so that it is being incorporated into a denomination that once stood for the elevation of women.

We are speaking of the recently appointed bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran church, Megan Rohrer Rohrer, who identifies with the trans movement, has had her breasts surgically removed and now wishes to be referred to with the preferred pronouns “they” and “them.”

We should feel sorrow for a woman who has chosen to have her breasts cut off.  We wonder if Megan was ever told as a little girl that she was loved and treasured as a beautiful child created by God.  What happened to cause her effectively to murder her womanhood, to commit a partial suicide of her feminine being?  Why did she accept an invented story about transformation into some being other than her womanly self?

We don’t know the answers.

Source: Evangelical Lutherans Accept Self-Mutilation as Christian – American Thinker