

I earnestly hope and pray that every child and adult struggling with gender identity issues will find wholeness, peace, and happiness from the inside out. I earnestly hope and pray that we will live to see the day when every person who feels trapped inside the wrong body will find internal resolution without hormones and radical surgery. At the same time, I wholeheartedly oppose the transgender revolution and predict that, ultimately, it will fail.

Here is some insight from Gabe Kaminsky. Gabe is an intern at The Federalist. His writing has been featured in the Daily Wire, The American Conservative, the Washington Examiner, and other outlets. He has also appeared on Fox News, Hill.TV, and various radio programs.

A man who thinks he is a female just struck gold in a statewide beauty pageant. If this isn’t offputting to you, the West’s morally bankrupt elites have succeeded in training you to reject truth.

Kataluna Enriquez, a 27-year-old male who has been competing in transgender pageants since 2016, was awarded first place in the female Miss Nevada USA beauty pageant. Enriquez’s victory comes after success in other contests, including being crowned Miss Silver State USA as a preliminary event to the statewide one. Only since 2020 has Enriquez begun competing in non-trans pageants.

While pageants outside Nevada required Enriquez to receive a medical certification of sex prior to competing, Nevada has more lax regulations. Winning the state’s top prize now qualifies him to run for Miss USA, although the pageant was greenlit in March by an Oregon judge to choose if they will let trans-identifying men compete against women.

“I wanted to share my story and present that I was more than just a body,” Enriquez said after his most recent victory. “With pageantry, people think it is only about beauty. But it’s how you present yourself, what you advocate for, what you’ve done, and the goals you have.”

Source: When Men Win Female Pageants, You Know Elites Think You’re Stupid