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We have a huge job in front of us. Unbiblical worldviews are destroying the faith of young Christians. Discipling involves more than just teaching. It also must take seriously the hard work of training. There is a difference.

A first step for all of us to assess our efforts. Are they focused on teaching? Do they include a training component? What else can we do to improve our outcomes?

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J. Warner Wallace discusses the difference between teaching and training and encourages Christians to adopt a new approach in readying themselves for the challenges facing us in culture. All believers must train themselves and develop a more reasonable, evidential faith, as described in the book, Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith.

To see more book preview videos with J. Warner Wallace, visit the YouTube playlist.

Source: Stop Teaching Young Christians; TRAIN Them to Develop a Forensic Faith (Video)