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Ephesians 2:11-22, October 5, 2020

How Can Christ’s Church Find Unity in a Divided Time?

Session 6 of Christianity & Wokeness from Dr. Owen Strachan

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As a student at Bowdoin College in Maine, Grace Bible Theological Seminary Provost and Research Professor Owen Strachan was so deeply interested in diversity and societal fragmentation he almost minored in Africana Studies.

His interest in the subject never drove him to become an academic expert in the discipline, but in recent months, Strachan has emerged as an expert on social justice and “wokeness” and a strident opponent of critical race theory.

The controversial ideology is defined by the Southern Baptist Convention — America’s second-largest denomination and the world’s largest Baptist denomination — as a set of analytical tools which “can aid in evaluating a variety of human experiences.”

Secular scholars define it as a framework through which they seek to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race and how they can represent themselves to counter prejudice. Scholarship on the theory traces racism in the U.S. through the legacy of slavery, the civil rights movement and recent events.

Kimberlé Crenshaw, a founding critical race theorist and a law professor at UCLA and Columbia universities, explained the idea to CNN last year.

“Critical race theory is a practice. It’s an approach to grappling with a history of white supremacy that rejects the belief that what’s in the past is in the past and that the laws and systems that grow from that past are detached from it,” she said.

Strachan, who is also a senior fellow with the Family Research Council who once served at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, sees the idea as “demonic.”

And in his new book, Christianity and Wokeness: How the Social Justice Movement Is Hijacking the Gospel – and the Way to Stop It, he seeks to save the American church from the “slithery hiss“ that he believes to be a threat to Christians and white people.

Read more here —> https://www.christianpost.com/books/owen-strachan-says-critical-race-theory-is-threat-to-the-church.html